Every single day, we all run across websites with poorly written web content. Often, it is filled with poor spelling and grammatical errors. Nothing could be worse for your business. Your website content needs to be written by a pro and double-checked for errors.
Javier Loya of OTC Global Holdings has this advice: “Many writers these days are specializing in web content and some are even moving toward SEO writing only. A good writer can easily place your keywords into the text of your website content and make it flow smoothly.”
OTC Global Holdings in Houston, Texas, is the largest independent OTC commodity brokerage in the world and has been quite successful over the years. Below are a few more tips for success:
If the writing seems forced or unnatural, your customers won’t stay around very long. It has to flow.
Make it as interesting as possible. People usually spend no more than a few seconds glancing over a page of content. If there’s something there worth reading, they will stay on the page longer.
Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when creating your website content.
Create interesting content that’s fun to read. If your site is filled with the same boring content that thousands of others have, then don’t expect visitors to stay long.
Your business image is important and these days a major part of that image is your website.
The OTC Global Holdings website is a good example of great content that’s easy to read.
Javier Loya grew up in El Paso, Texas and now lives in Houston, Texas with his wife and two daughters. He the founder and co-CEO of OTC Global Holdings, the largest independent OTC commodity brokerage in the world. He graduated from Columbia University in New York and is a minority owner of the Houston Texans football team.